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How to Upload URL Tags for Your Ad Creatives

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URL tags offer a streamlined approach to ad delivery, allowing direct linkage to creative assets without the complexity of third-party tags. Follow this guide to effectively use URL tags for your advertising needs.

Step 1: Select Creative Asset

Start by selecting “URL Tag” as your creative asset. Click “Next” to proceed.

Step 2: Select Tag Type

Decide the type of your ad creative and choose the corresponding tag type:

  • HTML: Choose this option if your ad creative consists of HTML content accessible via a URL. An iframe will be used to embed and display your HTML content within the webpage.
  • JavaScript: Select this for ad creatives that are JavaScript code. The URL should point directly to the JavaScript source file, which will be embedded into the webpage using a <script> tag.

Step 3: Add Creative Name

Provide a concise and descriptive name for your creative, reflecting the content or campaign. This makes it easier to manage and track its performance.

Step 4: Select Creative Size

Select the appropriate pixel size for your creative to ensure proper display in the intended ad placement, maintaining the visual quality and user experience.

Optional: Third-Party Tracking Pixel

Consider adding a third-party tracking pixel to monitor the performance of your ad, such as viewability and engagement metrics. This is useful for collecting additional data using external tracking tools.

Important Note on Iframe Content

For HTML tags using iframes, note that including any URL or a URL that redirects to an image is not sufficient for the tag to function properly. Ensure that your HTML content includes clickable elements within the iframe to allow user interaction. Additionally, always use secure URLs (starting with https://) and follow industry standards for ad delivery.

By carefully following these steps, you can effectively use URL tags for your ad creatives. This process ensures a smooth ad delivery while offering the flexibility to adapt to various ad formats. For more tips on maximizing the effectiveness of your URL tags, explore our detailed guides on creative optimization.