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Server-side Conversion Pixels

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Server-side conversion pixels, also known as postback URLs, are instrumental in tracking scenarios where traditional browser-based cookies cannot be used.

Understanding Server-side Conversion Pixels

A server-side conversion pixel is a URL that registers conversions on the server side, bypassing traditional browser-based tracking limitations. This method is essential for accurately attributing conversions to digital advertisements in environments where users interact with ads within mobile apps or similar isolated frameworks.

Use Cases for Server-side Pixels

  • Mobile Conversions: Ideal for tracking installations or other conversions from mobile app stores where a standard pixel cannot follow the user through the entire conversion process.
  • Complex User Journeys: Useful in scenarios where conversions involve multiple steps or occur across different environments that a single client-side pixel cannot fully capture.

How Server-side Pixels Work

  1. Ad Interaction: When a user interacts with an ad served by ad:personam, a unique server-side pixel token is generated and passed along with the creative.

  2. Conversion Tracking:

    • As the user clicks on the ad, they are directed to a landing page that contains macros embedding the server-side pixel token and possibly other device-specific IDs.
    • When the user completes a conversion action (e.g., app download and open), the app or webpage makes a call to an attribution server with the embedded token.
  3. Attribution and Reporting: The attribution server records the conversion, attributes it to the correct advertising action, and informs Microsoft Advertising via a server-side pixel call that includes the conversion pixel ID and the token.

Generating and Using Server-side Pixel URLs

Once your Legacy Conversion Pixel is fully configured, you can proceed to export the necessary URL for server-side tracking. This step is crucial for ensuring that your pixel can accurately capture conversions in environments where traditional tracking methods fall short.

  • Retrieving the Pixel URL:

    • Navigate to the 'Conversion Pixel' section within your advertising platform's interface.
    • Locate the specific Legacy Conversion Pixel you wish to implement server-side tracking for, and click on the < > icon next to the pixel's listing. This action will allow you to export the pixel URL designed for server-side tracking.
  • Example of a Server-side Pixel URL:[SSPDATA]

    Here, [SSPDATA] represents the unique token that is dynamically generated and received at the user's landing page when they engage with your ad. This token is essential for attributing the conversion back to the specific ad interaction that triggered it.

Adding Parameters to a Server-side Pixel Call

Parameters like order_id, value, and others can be appended to the URL to provide additional conversion details:

Testing and Troubleshooting

  • Testing: Test the server-side pixel by setting up a test ad campaign that includes a landing page with the server-side pixel URL. After clicking the ad, use tools like cURL to simulate a conversion event:

    curl --verbose -L ''
  • Troubleshooting: Ensure any issues with server-side pixels are documented with verbose logs from the pixel fires, as these are crucial for investigations.