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Content Categories for Targeting

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Content Categories targeting offers a unique approach for advertisers looking to reach specific audiences based on the type of content they engage with online.

Unlike contextual targeting, which focuses on the context of individual pieces of content, Content Categories targeting groups websites, domains, and apps according to the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) classification. This method allows advertisers to target broader categories of content, such as entire news websites or domains dedicated to specific industries.

Understanding Content Categories

Content Categories are organized based on the IAB classification system, providing a structured way to target ads across specific types of websites and apps. This classification encompasses a wide range of categories, from Arts & Entertainment to Business & Industry and News, enabling advertisers to select domains and URLs that align with their campaign goals. By targeting ads to specific categories, advertisers can ensure their messages reach audiences within relevant content environments.

Advantages of Content Categories Targeting

  • Cost Efficiency: One of the significant benefits of using Content Categories for targeting is that it is free of charge. Advertisers can leverage this targeting option without incurring additional costs, making it an attractive option for campaigns of all sizes.
  • Broad Reach: By targeting categories of content rather than specific segments, advertisers can achieve a broader reach, ensuring their ads are displayed across a wide array of relevant sites and apps.
  • Simplicity: Content Categories targeting simplifies the ad placement process by grouping similar types of content together, allowing for easier selection and targeting without the need for detailed segment analysis.

How to Utilize Content Categories for Targeting

  1. Select Template: Start by selecting either the Content Categories Smart Template in ad:personam's DSP platform.
  2. Choose Categories: Browse the extensive list of categories based on the IAB classification available in ad:personam's Data Marketplace. Select the categories that best match your campaign's objectives, whether it's targeting users interested in the latest news or those engaged with entertainment content.
  3. Launch Campaign: With your selected categories, launch your campaign. The system automatically targets your ads to the chosen categories of domains and URLs, enhancing the relevance of your message to the audience.

Content Categories Available

ad:personam offers a comprehensive array of Content Categories for advertisers aiming to precisely align their campaigns with the content their audience engages with most frequently. The categories available include, but are not limited to:

  • Arts & Entertainment
  • Autos & Vehicles
  • Business & Industry
  • Health
  • News
  • Science
  • Travel

Example of Category Selection: Finance

Selecting a category like Finance allows advertisers to broadly target the entire domain, encompassing a variety of relevant sub-categories. This method guarantees extensive coverage across the Finance sector, appealing to audiences with interests in any financial subject matter. The sub-categories under Finance include:

  • Accounting & Auditing
  • Banking
  • Credit & Lending
  • Currencies & Foreign Exchange
  • Financial Planning
  • Grants & Financial Assistance
  • Insurance
  • Investing
  • Mortgages and Loans
  • Retirement & Pension
  • Taxes

By opting for the Finance category, advertisers automatically target all these sub-categories, ensuring a thorough and nuanced approach to reaching financially interested audiences.

Selecting Uncategorised Domains

Advertisers have the additional option to "allow uncategorised domains" within their targeting settings. This feature is especially beneficial for those utilizing a whitelist of domains in conjunction with Content Categories targeting. It permits advertisers to reach URLs listed in their whitelist that may not fall under any specific IAB content category. Enabling this option ensures that your campaign can capture all relevant traffic from your curated domain list, maximizing reach and engagement opportunities without being limited to predefined categories.

In conclusion, Content Categories targeting provides a straightforward and cost-effective way for advertisers to reach their audiences within relevant content environments. By leveraging the IAB classification system, ad:personam's Data Marketplace allows for broad yet focused targeting, ensuring that campaigns are placed in the most appropriate content categories for maximum impact.