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ad:personam Google Looker Studio connector

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The ad:personam Data Studio Service provides users with a streamlined way to connect their advertising campaign data directly to Looker Studio using a private connector. This feature is exclusively available to subscribed users, enhancing the ability to analyze and visualize advertising data effectively.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using the ad:personam Looker Studio Connector

1. Initiate the Connection

Click the "Connect ad:personam to Looker Studio" button on our platform. This action will redirect you to the private connector page on Google Looker Studio.

2. Authorize the Application

Authorize the application to access your ad:personam data. Your data security and privacy are our top priorities, and access is strictly used for report generation purposes.

3. Configure Your Data Source

Enter the necessary information to set up your data source:

  • Advertiser IDs: Input one or multiple advertiser IDs, separated by commas, to include data from multiple campaigns.
  • ad:personam Username: Enter the username associated with your ad:personam account to validate data access.

4. Opt for a Report Template (Optional)

You can choose "Use report template for new reports" if you wish to utilize our pre-designed template tailored for advertising data analysis. This option simplifies setup and provides a robust starting point for exploring your data.

5. Finalize the Connection

Click "CONNECT" to establish the connection. Once connected, you can create and customize reports using your ad:personam data in Looker Studio.

Enhancing Your Reports with Calculated Data Fields

To maximize insights from your ad:personam data, we recommend incorporating several calculated fields into your reports. These fields transform raw data into actionable analytics, offering deeper insights into campaign performance.

Suggested Calculated Fields

  • CTR (Click-Through Rate): SUM(clicks) / SUM(imps), expressed as a percentage.
  • Completion Rate: SUM(video_completions) / SUM(video_starts), expressed as a percentage.
  • Conversion Rate: SUM(total_convs) / SUM(imps), expressed as a percentage.
  • CPA (Cost Per Acquisition): SUM(total_cost_buying_currency) / SUM(total_convs).
  • CPC (Cost Per Click): SUM(total_cost_buying_currency) / SUM(clicks).
  • CPCV (Cost Per Completed View): SUM(total_cost_buying_currency) / SUM(video_completions).
  • CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions): SUM(total_cost_buying_currency) / SUM(imps) * 1000.
  • View Rate: SUM(imps_viewed) / SUM(view_measured_imps), expressed as a percentage.

Learn more about calculated fields and their implementation in your reports.

Additional Notes on the ad:personam Connector and Authorization

Beta Status of the Connector

The ad:personam connector is currently in beta. While it is fully functional, it has not yet undergone official verification. We appreciate user feedback to enhance the service.

Authorization Warnings

When authorizing the ad:personam connector in Google Looker Studio, you may see a warning indicating that the app is unverified. This is standard for apps that have not completed Google's verification process.

Handling the Authorization Warning:

  1. Click on "Advanced" in the warning dialog.
  2. Click on "Continue to use the connector" to acknowledge the risks, as this connector is in the beta phase.

Privacy and Security

No personal data is required by the ad:personam connector to function. We prioritize maintaining high standards of privacy and security.

Access to Legacy Dashboards for Existing Users

Legacy Dashboard Access: Users who have been with ad:personam before the Looker Studio connector's introduction can continue to access their legacy dashboards. Click on "Your Advertiser Legacy Dashboard" in our interface to leverage historical data and insights while exploring new functionalities with the Looker Studio connector.